In our life’s journey, we often encounter things with which we cannot contend on our own, for which we need gospel community.
You’re not in it alone!
Pure Desire Ministries offers a podcast with helpful resources for struggling individuals and their families. Check it out here! Research continues to show that pornography usage has erupted into an international blight on modern culture. Both men and women have become trapped in its web. The porn industry constantly tries to create higher levels of disgusting and perverted content. Unfortunately, the Church largely ignores making any attempts to help the people sitting in its pews who struggle with pornography. In fact, some churches refuse to believe it is even an issue for their members. Others consider it a private matter, and therefore refrain from discussing it. And while over 68% of church-going Christian men admit to viewing pornography, only 7% of churches offer a ministry program to help them find freedom. So how does the Church tend to deal with such a devastating social, spiritual, and family problem? All too commonly, they use one of the following responses. This article was originally posted at Conquer Series, a video series designed to help men conquer porn and walk in freedom. To read the entire article, click here. We have several resources for parents who want to proactively prepare our children to combat pornography. If you're interested, stop by the church office to check out one of these books that help parents to talk about these sensitive issues with their children: For ages 3-6: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds For ages 7-preteen: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids Those struggling to break free from porn experience shame and the esteem-crushing impact of their ongoing battle with sexual material. In their porn use they have become experts at secrecy, deception, and lying. They also make many excuses to justify their usage. Especially to themselves. To truly find freedom, these men have to stop believing these lies. They have to break the denial structures that they’ve put in place over years of porn use. Here are 5 common excuses used to continue using pornography. Perhaps you have used all of them, and probably others as well. Reclaim what pornography has stolen from you. Choose to break the cycle. Choose to stand for intimacy in a culture drowning in illusion. This article was originally posted at Conquer Series, a video series designed to help men conquer porn and walk in freedom. To read the entire article, click here. Have you tried everything you know to do, and yet you still cannot seem to get free from the grip of porn?You’ve cried, you’ve prayed, you’ve smashed your computer in the driveway, and still nothing? Believe it or not, you’re not alone. The Barna Group reports that 81% of teen and young adult men seek out porn. In comparison of the same age group, 56% of women search for online pornographic content. But regardless of what it is, every person has a vice that they return to when life crumbles. It’s almost like we’re willing to step out over the ledge, but we have to keep holding on to the handrail because we’re afraid that we’ll fall. This article was originally posted at Conquer Series, a video series designed to help men conquer porn and walk in freedom. To read the entire article, click here. It starts out so simple for someone who is hooked on pornography. They probably saw an air-brushed photo of a model online or in a magazine when they were children. Over the years they would spend more time looking at porn, and eventually they reached a point where it was consuming more of their time – and their lives. This article was originally posted at Conquer Series, a video series designed to help men conquer porn and walk in freedom. To read the entire article, click here. A Podcast to Address Issues of Sexual Integrity
The Church's Typical Response to Pornography & Why It Isn't Working
“You have to leave.”
Resources for WPC Kids
Five Pathetic Excuses for Porn Use
Deafeating Porn by Understanding Your Brain's Arousal Template
What Keeps Men Trapped in Pornography?