Joint officers and shepherding elders met on April 16. During the joint officers’ meeting with the elders and deacons, the new ministry plan for committees and teams was discussed and officers provided input for team members and leadership. Our goal is to have the new committee and team structure up and running by September 2019. The officers also prayed for the congregation and worked through responses from our members about prayers and needs.
During the elders’ shepherding meeting, pastoral reports were heard from Pastor Ben and Pastor Jon. The report of the strategic commission from the April 4 meeting was given, in which the strategic commission discussed:
- Active shooter and emergency situation protocols
- Personnel changes with a call for Pastor Tree Triolo. The Shepherding Commission approved the plan to call a congregational meeting to change Tree’s call from Assistant to Associate Pastor.
- Plans for the Financial Peace University Sunday school class
- Current giving trends, cash balances, and expenses for WPC
During the shepherding meeting the Strategic Commission was tasked to study and propose a long-range plan to encourage congregational giving, as we are nearing our two month reserve limit of the general fund. Elders will be communicating the financial needs of the church with the congregation in upcoming weeks.