Westminster maintains a secure member database which allows church members to view and edit their personal data.  In addition, members may view their personal record of giving by date. Members may also view the church membership directory to obtain contact information.

There are two ways to access the database:

Using the Membership Website:

Click here to access WPC Church Office Online. Please sign in using the email address that you have given as your primary contact. First-time users should enter their email address and then click on the “Forgot Password” link at the bottom of the webpage.  You will then receive an email from WPC Church Office Online providing your username (the username should be of the form firstname.lastname) and your new password.  Log back in to the above website with your username and password.

All contributions made by check, cash, online, or through your bank’s bill pay system will be recorded on the personal portion of the Westminster Membership and Giving webpage.  To see your giving history, click on the “Giving” tab within your profile.  In the upper right portion of the Giving listing is a “Gear” icon which will generate a print-friendly itemization of your giving to WPC. 

Using the Membership App:

Need to check your WPC contributions or look up contact information for another WPC member?  There is an app for that!  For iOS and Android phones, install the “Church Office ChMS” app.  You will need your WPC Church Office logon username and password to use ChMS.

In the first line of the setup page, click the “domain” field and enter “wpc”, followed by your username and password.  Typically, your user name is firstname.lastname and if you don’t know your password, click the link to reset your password. The password reset will be sent to your email address of record. Once logged in to the app, click on your name at the bottom to display a Details and a Giving tab.  In the Details tab, youcan edit your personal contact info.  Click on the Giving tab to display your giving history.

On the app home page, WPC members can click the “Directory” button to display contact information for church members.